Behind The Red Apron With Lauren Donlon

whipped sugar scrub, Lauren Donlon, Sweet Sweet Paris

Favorite Product:

My most used product is our soap bars, but my favorite is our sugar scrub! I love the feel of the sugar on my skin. It feels so soft and sometimes I don’t even need to use lotion after!

Favorite Fragrance:

I really love basically all of our earthy scents. My absolute favorite though is our customer favorite Tobacco Flower! I love the subtle floral and natural fragrance.

How Long Have You Worked At Ladyburg:

I’ve worked at Ladyburg since July 4th of 2016 so about 8 months and I’ve loved every bit of it! I’ve known the Wellman family since I met Morgan in fifth grade, so I jumped on the opportunity to work with them.

What Is Your Favorite Part About Working At Ladyburg?:

The atmosphere of Ladyburg is so hard to find! I love the homey feel you get when you walk in the door. I always feel like I am coming home to my second family. I also really believe in our products and enjoy knowing we are providing healthy ingredients to our community.


Well of course I have soooo many interesting hobbies! One of my main of course is hanging out with my friends *cough Morgan cough*. I am also really passionate about art, hiking, and gardening. Some of my more relaxed hobbies though are taking baths (duh), watching Netflix, eating Benny’s pizza, and drinking my one true love coffee!

Favorite Shows:

My favorite shows right now are Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things, and Broad City!

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