Behind The Red Apron With Arielle Ouellette

Favorite Product:
My favorite product is definitely our Whipped Sugar Scrub! I love the gentle exfoliation and how well it foams up. I’m a bit of a ‘car chick’ so the fact that it even helps get stubborn car grease off my hands is a bonus! You really can’t beat the versatility of that product.

Favorite Fragrance:
I am personally a sucker for our Sweet Sweet Paris fragrance. We stopped making it for a little while and I was ready to stage a coup. After tense negotiations we brought it back.  I just love that sweet fruity fragrance!

How Long Have You Worked At Ladyburg:
I’ve been working at Ladyburg since November of 2015. I actually had a class with Morgan and kept hounding her for a job until I broke her down. She took me under her wing and we haven’t looked back since!

What Is Your Favorite Part About Working At Ladyburg?:
Well of course I love how the store smells! I also really like my co-workers. We have all become a little family and I know I can always rely on them. But what keeps me coming back every day and one of my favorite parts is getting to meet all of the interesting people who come in to visit. Fredericksburg is a big tourist town so we get people from all walks of life and parts of the country wandering through our doors and I love hearing their stories.

If I am not at work you can find me volunteering at the firehouse or playing with cars! Nothing beats cruising with the windows down, blasting music, and burning a little rubber here and there!

Favorite Shows:
My top three favorite shows are Bob’s Burgers, Bones, and Top Gear!

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