Sugar + Spruce Visits the Museum of Ice Cream!

Museums are known to house the finer things in life. So, when we heard about the Museum of Ice Cream, we felt obligated, naturally, to make a trip down to Miami to find ourselves in the galleries of the sweetest achievements. It’s about time there was a place dedicated to celebrating something as monumental as ice cream. 

As Sugar + Spruce, “sugar” is the name of our game. If you got it, we’re there. So, we kicked things off at the Sugar Factory, home to the world’s largest cocktails poured into their famous smoking candy goblets. We chose The Watermelon Patch, complete with Sour PatchKids floating in the bottom. A goblet full of candy, watermelon syrup, and other cheeky liquids was merely the beginning of the evening’s sugar adventure. Our dessert after dessert? An assortment of chocolates, gummies, and sour treats. Oh. And of course, ice cream complete with a cherry on top, sugar.

As for the Museum of Ice Cream — we think we’ve met our match. Challenge. Accepted. ROYGBIV was present throughout the museum, which only inspires us to boost our color game. Think millennial Willy Wonka, sans oompa loompas.  Now that we’ve swam in a pool full of sugar sprinkles, swung on cherry and banana swings, no more monkeying around. We have visions of the sweetest Sugar + Spruce bath treats dancing in our heads! (Which reminds us, stay-tuned for some new Spring flavors that will make your heart sing!) 

We ended our sugar voyage at Sugarfina, the ultimate candy boutique for grown-ups. We packed up our Sugarfina Bento Boxes with luxury treats, purely for work-related inspiration — we assure you. 

We’re proud to be Fredericksburg’s sweetest spot and can’t wait to infuse Sugar + Spruce with even more sweets-inspired bath time treats! 

Until next time, Sugar!

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Hey Sugar!

Hey Sugar!

Bath time is our favorite part of the day, and if you’re not having fun, then you’re doing it wrong!

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