Come Party With Us!


At Sugar + Spruce we’re all about feeding the senses. We’ve always had luxurious scents to smell. By now you’ve heard our new name. You’ve seen our fun new colors and patterns. Coming by to get a feel for the new place? Well, that makes all the sense! (See what we did, there?!) February 15th we’re throwing a re-brand launch party for you to come and celebrate with us! (Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten the fifth sense. We promise there will be cotton candy there, too!)

The Sugar + Spruce soap kitchen has been bubbling over with activity! If you’ve followed along on our InstaStories, you’ve seen we’ve been up to quite a few things, recently! Just this week, we had a professional photoshoot of the new place (well, the newly spruced up old space)! (We had fun getting all dolled up for the occasion.) While we’ve had so much fun through this entire re-branding season, we truly want to celebrate with the ones that made it possible — YOU!

While we love our bath bombs and sugar scrubs, we love the people who love them, more! So, Thursday, February 15th at 5:00pm, we invite you to party with us. We’re kicking off with a giveaway! The first 25 guests to arrive will receive a Sugar + Spruce goodie bag with a free product. For our virtual friends? Don’t worry! We want you to be apart of the celebration, too! Here’s how to join the online party:

  1. Between 5:00pm and 6:00pm, the first 25 to purchase two sugar scrubs, get the third one free! 
  2. The first 25 to post the graphic below, tag Sugar + Spruce, and tag 5 friends will be mailed a free gift!

If you can’t be among the first 25 giveaway don’t worry, there’s plenty of reasons to stay! With a bath tub full of sprinkles, candy-themed music, gift card specials, and in-store specials the visit will be sure to be the highlight of your day! 


Until next time, Sugar!

Crystal + Morgan

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Hey Sugar!

Hey Sugar!

Bath time is our favorite part of the day, and if you’re not having fun, then you’re doing it wrong!

Shop the sweets!


Bite Me Bath Bomb

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