Get Into The Rhythm!

Let’s be honest, has counting sheep ever really helped you fall asleep? We don’t know about you, sugar, but all this “sleep tip” has us saying is bah-humbug! May we suggest something a little more effective? Something that really helps you get into that circadian rhythm (that sweet REM)?

You may have heard it before, but since we’ve deemed ourselves your official resource for the sweetest bath and body treats, we wanted to confirm the benefits of all things lavender, especially when it comes to ensuring the sweetest dreams!

Just ask King Tut. Legend has it when his tomb was opened in 1923, there was said to be a faint smell of lavender that could still be detected after 3,000 years! Now THAT’S a deep sleep, sugar. Almost every “calming” product is infused with this sleep-inducing scent. 

Why not put together a Sugar + Spruce gift set of lavender treats for that new momma who’s sleep schedule well, doesn’t exist. Or for your friend who’s a nurse working the night shift. Lathering your skin in the soothing blanket of lavender scents makes sleep during the day a little more possible!

Sipping lavender tea is always a sweet thing to do. Using it for potpourri? We like that, too! But our favorite way to incorporate lavender is into your bath time routine!  The name itself naturally suggests what we attest! It comes from the Latin verb, “lavare,” which means “to wash.”  Get dirty, wash and repeat, sugar. Get into the rhythm with one of our luxury lavender-infused bath time treats below.   




Until next time, sugar!


Crystal + Morgan

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Hey Sugar!

Hey Sugar!

Bath time is our favorite part of the day, and if you’re not having fun, then you’re doing it wrong!

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